Words from a Recently Diagnosed Introvert

Sunday, January 09, 2005

When there was a break in the storm...

we saw some pretty magnificent sites.

Like this one:
Just before dusk a pair of bald eagles were in their fishing posts on a lake - one in a dead tree, one on a rock. Their white heads stuck out against the lush green of the foothills. At the same time a stunning sunset is rolling through its swatch of pastels - orange, purple, pink - over the lake and the deep grey storm clouds still linger in the sky behind me. Suddenly one eagle takes off and within a half second the other follows.
They soar majestically as the sunset gets lower. And as the light disappears, so do they, into the horizon.
Soon it starts to rain again.

This couple was two of the four eagles we saw that week.

Complete raptors and others index:
4 bald eagles - three adults, one second year
34 red tail hawks
5 coopers hawks
8 herons
4 kites

This is what an introvert does for kicks and stimulation.


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