Words from a Recently Diagnosed Introvert

Friday, November 12, 2004


Once upon time, back before the Nov 2, 2004 election, "red" meant something totally different in the political context than it means now.

The recently coined phrase "red zone" has been applied to a whole geographic swath of people and places that couldn't be further from the "red" I know:

Red Army
Red Guard
Red Diaper Babies
Litte Red Book
etc, etc.

I wonder how those pro-privitization of everything, anti-national healthcare, Walmart shopping, Denny's eaters feel about being affiliated with "the commie color?"

Or maybe it's all a ruse.
Maybe "moral majority" is code for something else!
Maybe "red zone" means absolutely what I would want it to mean!!
Maybe there's a revolution brewing!!!
Maybe all is not lost after all!!!
Maybe I can believe in my fellow Americans!!!

Maybe this is the least likely conspiracy theory ever.


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